How did "by the C" come to be?
It was January 1st, 2011 while having a glass of wine with my husband, Dale, when the idea for creating "Blazers with a Personality" hit me. Dale was very supportive and within minutes we had several names and ideas. Ideas kept flowing, but I had a full time job, so I couldn't concentrate on this business quite yet. In spring of 2015, I met Sandra - a wonderfully skilled seamstress. I told her my vision and she was able to create what I had in my mind. The first one "off the presses" was "Well Heeled." I gave it to my mom and we both cried! We made some tweaks here and there, but all in all we were very happy with the outcome. We made 25 prototypes, making changes along the way. I was busy looking for a factory that could produce my blazers...a factory in Canada. It is very important to me that my blazers are made in Canada (my home country). I finally found one (not an easy task). January 19, 2016 (it was our 25th wedding anniversary), Dale and I went to the factory in Toronto and met with Ann-May to see if they could produce my creations. The answer was "YES"! Back home, I was busy sending bolts of fabric, buttons etc. to the factory. Lots of ups and downs, but finally in July of 2016 seven huge boxes of wonderful blazers arrived. YIKES! Now what?? I unpacked and hung them all in our living room. July 11, 2016 we launched "by the C" with a fashion show and a cocktail party at The Esplanade Arts and Heritage Centre. A couple of months later we launched the website. In November 2016, we opened a store front/WEARhouse. After many sleepless nights and several bottles of wine later..."by the C" is here! I continue to have sleepless nights, thinking of names and ideas, but it's all worth it!